您现在的位置:成功创业网 - 商务外语 - 如何与客户谈论价格(对话篇)


     bragg: what is your price per dozen for plastic toy camera?
     zhang: our price is two hundred dollars per dozen fob guangzhou.
     bragg: its much too high. we have another offer for a similar one at a much lower price.
     zhang: i can assure you that our price is most favourable. a trial sale will convince you of my words.
     bragg: if you can go a little lower, id be able to give you an order on the spot. you see, my customers intend to buy three hundred dozens, but they only offer me one hundred and ninety dollars per dozen.
     zhang: this price of yours is out of the question. you must be aware that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years.
     bragg: but one hundred and ninety is their final bid and i cant help it. thats the actual position. i hope youll give a second thought to the bid.
     zhang: o.k. since it is a big order, i think ill accept your price of one hundred and ninety. its quite a bargain. i hope you will appreciate it.
     bragg: thank you for your cooperation.
     zhang: it will leave us very little profit. but i trust our first supply will induce your customers to place regular orders with us in future.

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