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     errors in judgement for job-hunting can prevent even the finest candidate from landing the job she or he wants. the following eight simple rules can help you avoid such mistakes.
     1. begin your job search before the pressure is really on. desperate candidates are much less attractive. and if you need a job fast, you may have to accept the first offer you get.
     2. conduct a complete search. touch all the following bases to increase your chances of getting the job and the salary you want: 1) apply to companies; 2) ask your friends and relatives about jobs ; 3) answer newspaper ads ; 4) apply at private employment agencies and the state employment services; 5) take civil service tests.
     3. set realistic goals. make sure you arent pursuiing conflicting golas. dont expect miracles. establish a priority for your goals. if getting a job quickly is essential, realise that your needs probably rule out getting a high salary. review your goals periodically. if what seemed a realistic goal at the start appears unattainable 12 weeks later, change your goal.
     4. be willing to invest in yourself. if your resume typed on a portable is less impressive than one typed on a full-size electronic typewriter, the little money saved may not be worth it. you will have a better change to succeed if you look successful.
     5. revise your startegies as needed. dont continue to send out a resume or an application letter that has gotten no results. and dont keep pursuing a position if it obviously isnt attainable. if you discover that you arent as marketable as you assumed you would be, revise your resume and your goals
     6. try to get every job offer you can. even if you arent sure you want a certain job, getting an offer may make you more attractive do a company you want to work for. the job you are interviewing for may not appeal to you to much now but could prove to be your most appealing alternative later. interviews enable you to see how good you are at making people want you. if you get an offer, youll know you have maastered the technique that get you other offers. besides, getting a job offer can build you up psychologically. this boost may be just what you need to succeed in your next interview, for a job you want more.
     7. follow up every lead you get. the least likely contact may be the one that gets you a job or leads you to the contact that does.
     8. dont overdo it. trying to do too much at once may be a mistake. be sure you schedule enough time to follow up every lead and every application. getting a job is a matter of planning and persistence. it isnt a race.

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