您现在的位置:成功创业网 - 商务外语 - 不合理的抱怨和索赔你会回复吗?


     1. how to start your letter?
     thank you for your letter of%26amp;
     nbsp;______[date] concerning the goods you ordered ____ weeks
     thank you for writing us about your irritation concerning the delay of ....
     we have received the letter in which you complained about ....
     im sorry to hear of the damage to your
     hairdryer during your trip abroad.
     2. how to say that your are not responsible
     for the damage/error/delay?
     the delay, however, was not caused at our end.
     we are sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced, but we cannot be held responsible for the delay.
     id like to clarify a misunderstanding we
     may have had regarding delivery terms and
     turn-around time.
     it appears that the responsibility should
     rest with the shipping company.
     im sorry, but we cannot be responsible for returned goods that are lost in transit.
     unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible
     for this damage, which occurred because the hairdryer was plugged into a 220 volt outlet.
     3. how to offer suggestions or help?
     i suggest that you contact your shipper to
     start tracing the shipment.
     because we are not responsible for handling damage after the product leaves our plant, we suggest you check with your local store for a possible refund.
     we suggest that you deal with the shipping company and the insurers who have covered you
     on the goods.
     4. how to end your letter?
     if you need any help in your investigation, please let me know.
     please let me know if i may help further in
     this matter.
     please let me know if you have any further questions.
     we appreciate your interest in our products.
     if you have any other question, please call
     me at 000-0000.
     ii. sample
     dear _________:
     thank you for your letter of ______[date] concerning the goods you ordered ______ weeks ago.
     unlike domestic orders for which we guarantee overnight delivery, international orders take
     at least _____ weeks for delivery. we have made this clear in the order instruction of our catalog (p. ___). as you will see, shipments
     for _________[area] usually take _____ weeks.
     if you desire faster delivery for your next order, we can send the goods by express delivery. the rate, however, will be considerably higher.
     sincerely yours,
     iii. tips
     1. tell the customer that you have received his/her complaint.
     2. tell the customer politely that his/her complaint or claim is not justified.
     3. explain why you are not responsible for
     the problem.
     4. be helpful in offering assistance or suggestions.
     5. when possible, be cooperative in compromise
     or partial adjustments.

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